The Magic Mission

Current Projects

Dedicated to stopping the Overpopulation, Abuse, and Homelessness of Dogs & Cats in Central America.

adopt an animal from central america

Current Projects

Jan 2024: The Power of Education: University of Wisconsin – Stout Students’
and The Magic Mission in Cozumel

Join UW-Stout students in Cozumel for a heartwarming journey with The Magic Mission coloring book! Experience animal compassion and kid empowerment. Let’s spread love!  #theMagicMission #ColoringBook

UW-Stout logo=

What's Next

Do you have an animal rights organization in Latin America that needs funding and support for a Spay and Neuter Blitz? Apply for grant.

Follow Us to Find Out Our Next Projects

vet training in panama

Current donations go to funding the Train Honduran Vets: Sterilization Techniques! program.

Previous Projects

January 2024: Spay & Neuter Tela Blitz

In collaboration with Fundación Perros Sin Nombre and Aspetuck Animal Hospital, we sponsored a four-day spay and neuter blitz in Tela, Honduras. This impactful event, held from January 21st to 26th, 2024, resulted in the sterilization of over 200 dogs and cats, contributing to the welfare of animals in the community.


perros sin nombre logo

March 2023: Spay & Neuter Cozumel Blitz

We partnered with the Humane Society of Cozumel to fund a Spay and Neuter Blitz on Cozumel Island. We provided free spay and neuter services to pet owners in the community, as well as spay and neutering as many street animals as we could in each of these communities.

This event will happened on Cozumel Island, Mexico on March 18 & 19, 2023 and we needed your donations to support the teams on the ground.


Humane Society of Cozumel

Oct 2022: Spay & Neuter Panama Blitz

We have partnered with Spay Panama to fund large Spay and Neuter Blitz’s in Panamanian Communities. We will provide free spay and neuter services to pet owners in the community, as well as spay and neutering as many street animals as we can in each of these communities.

Our first event will happen in Chitre, Panama on October 1 & 2, 2022 and we need your donations to support the teams on the ground.

spay panama logo

Dec 2022: The Magic Mission Book

Our other initial project is a grassroots educational campaign. This is done with our Magic Mission book. The bi-lingual coloring book tells the story of a famous soccer star, Angel, who’s life was changed by rescuing a starving street dog when he was a child. He named the dog Magic. Now as a world famous soccer hero, Angel has chosen to give back to his hometown village by opening a dog and cat rescue and health clinic called “The Magic Mission.” Angel teaches two village children, Rio and Rosa, who find an injured street dog, the importance of being kind and responsible toward the homeless animals in their village. Not only does it help the animals but it adds a new loving member to their family.

This book will be given out to local children at the Spay and Neuter Blitz’s. It is also our goal to take the book into elementary schools in the towns we visit, give a little presentation and leave each child with a Magic Mission coloring book and crayons. Change happens slowly, but it is my belief that nothing grows if you don’t plant the seeds of change.

The Magic Mission Volunteers

Volunteers are paid in six figures… S-M-I-L-E-S.

Things get solved if you get involved.

volunteer for the magic mission